

Client Testimonials

Cendix is the leading provider of Web-to-print solutions that automate on-demand one-to-one marketing campaigns and increase sales both online and offline. 

Wilson Zehr helped us to redefine the way that we do business. Before we started working with Wilson on our sales and marketing strategy, we were a small company struggling to find clients. Now we are a successful business that has hired several new employees and continues to grow every month. This change is directly attributable to the astute recommendations and suggestions that Wilson made about our business: he helped us to define who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

We requested help from Wilson to put together a course on finance for emerging growth companies. Wilson worked together with Ravi Sinha to put structure around this complex topic; design original class content; and put together several panels of exceptional executives and investors. With Wilson's help we were able to deliver another ground-breaking course for our MBA program.

Cendix was a major contributor in defining the deployment architecture for our hosted service, authored an RFP, and then participated in the selection of our hosting partner. Cendix also created license agreements, helped us refine our marketing messages, and then contacted prospects so that we could complete our initial market research. With the help of Cendex we are in a fantastic position to launch our business and achieve break-through momentum.

I always enjoyed working with Wilson. Of course you could tease him about being INCREDIBLY educated, but you could also marvel at his knowledge of the various subjects on his mind.

Wilson has an enormous amount of experience in strategic marketing and marketing communications. His consultative knowledge of business from A-to-Z was invaluable during our company's startup phase.

I worked with Wilson at Zairmail and supported he and the company as it underwent a series of changes. Throughout the process Wilson was professional, paid attention to detail with a focus on building company and supported the personnel by creating a learning environment.

Wilson is one of the top professionals I know in Portland. He does great things for Portland businesses and helps them grow smart way not the expensive way. I recommend Wilson to everyone who is a serious business owner and am personally looking forward to working with him on daily basis. Wilson is defiantly a professional I know, like and trust.

Wilson is an innovative thinker, but perhaps more importantly for an entrepreneur, he's tenacious. He has nurtured Cendix over the years, building on earlier experiences in the same space to extend the business model, adapt to changing market conditions, and do what's necessary to make it successful. Wilson also brings an unusually broad business background to the table, which, coupled with an instinctive feel for emerging technological trends, is a strong combination for an entrereneur. I've worked with him for a number of years, and recommend him highly

I found Wilson to be goal driven. He always enjoys a challenge. He organizes his thoughts, plans a course of action that will take him where he wants to go and then attacks the problem with great GUSTO. He is an outstanding strategic thinker and innovator. He asks the types of questions that prompt a person to think and to verify his or her own assumptions. He is an entrepreneur through - and - through. He is also an outstanding team leader -- quiet ye t effective. He listens and encourages dialogue while at the same time gently nudging the direction of the group. I would welcome him into any organization of which I was a part. He would be a tremendous asset!